Recipe: American Pancakes

Straight from the outdoor kitchen of Harrison Ward, aka Fell Foodie, these delicious American Pancakes are the perfect breakfast food when you're camping in the great outdoors

4th March 2019 | Words by Jack Hart @ WildBounds HQ

Pancakes aren't just for breakfast!
American pancakes amidst British fells | Credit: Harrison Ward

About The Expert

Harrison Ward, aka Fell Foodie, has whipped up this pancake recipe to help you start cooking outdoors - it's a passion of his that he's keen to share. "I’ve always been a keen cook," says Harrison, "and with a recent love of the fells being ignited, it seemed only right to take the pots and pans outdoors. There is something primal about cooking over a real fire in the wilderness, often quite simply with a stove, a pan and your respective ingredients. The homage to ancestors of old is certainly not lost on me."


  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • Butter


  • Cup/mug
  • Bowl
  • Balloon whisk
  • Frying pan
  • Camping stove
  • Fish slice

Mix the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl (no need to sieve - this is the outdoors!) In a separate container, or reusing your cup, add a cups worth of milk (about 130ml) and crack an egg into it. Lightly mix and slowly add to the dry mixture whilst whisking. Once combined, continue to whisk until no lumps are left. The mixture should be like a runny custard consistency. Heat a pan on your stove and add a few cubes of butter, allowing it to melt without letting it burn. Pour a small amount of the mixture into the pan so it forms a circle in the centre of it. Don’t touch it! Wait until bubbles appear on the surface and then using your fish slice, flip it. Cook it for a further 30 seconds and remove from the pan. Repeat the process until your mixture has all been used. You should get 8 decent sized pancakes out of it.

Outdoor Cookware Collection

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